Microsoft Build 2020 takeaway

The annual go-to conference for developers (and everybody else) that just loves Microsoft developer eco system has been carried out. This time it was 48-hour only digital experience, at no cost. As previously, and despite being a full-blown virtual conference, a lot of new and interesting stuff has been presented. But what are the actual take-aways.

As tech people it is easy to be overwhelmed since many things looks cool. The excitement is big and to-do list of trying out all the new stuff suddenly grows even bigger, and boom suddenly the list covers all the topics presented. So, with this let try to pull out some interesting stuff without flooding the list. Of course you should also have a look at this official dotnet blog, the channel 9 Build videos and Microsoft news page

Windows Terminal: This one you should definitely give a try; a lot of features and settings possibilities. It can be download from the Microsoft Store or from the GitHub releases page. Also make sure to check out this page for some cool modifications of the terminal

Winget: The first official (I think) Windows Package Manager for Windows, though in preview

Blazor WebAssembly: An open sourced and cross-platform web UI framework for building single-page apps using .NET and C# instead of JavaScript. Even though I prefer using JavaScript and frameworks like VueJS this one looks promising. It is also worth mentioning that now it is fully released and production ready

C# 9: Improved pattern matching, immutability with Init-only properties, with-expressions, top-levels program are just some of the upcoming features

Application Insights & Azure Monitor: Extended support for containers, Azure Monitor for Storage & Cosmos DB

Teams: Integrations with Power Platform and extensions for visual studio and visual studio code are coming.

Microsoft Lists: A to-do app to rule them all. To-do apps never gets boring.